Who am I?
I'm Asthriona, You can call me Makoto, but most of my English speaking friends call me "Mako" (except TheJudge who likes to call me "Mako-san"). I'm a Full-Stack JS developper, who like to pick-up any sorts of skills, such as anything related to cars, and computer science, lock picking, Video Games, whatever. As a programer, I'm self-taught. I went to school for networking and datacenter management.
I have other hobbies and things I like, yet again obviously cars, since this is a very wide subject, but also anime, music, I can also enjoy some fine TV Shows and movies. Meaning that I make this website as a hobby and for simple online presence, I really like the "old-school" internet, when it was filled with small blogs, and places to share our daily lives and hobbies. In here I might share programing tips, Anime/TV Show/Movies review, but also try to keep the "project" page updated with my latests project, and dev-logs.